1. Experimental exercises in use of laboratory instruments.
2. Measurements of voltage, current, impedance, frequency and waveform.
3. Basic circuit analysis and laboratory measurement techniques.
4. The characteristics of electronic devices: resistors
2. Measurements of voltage, current, impedance, frequency and waveform.
3. Basic circuit analysis and laboratory measurement techniques.
4. The characteristics of electronic devices: resistors
Course image 1131 PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR NONNATIVE SPEAKERS(工程雙學士一)[2864]
The main objective of this course is to instruct you on how to publicly express yourself in an effective manner when using American English, which entails exhibiting exceptional skills in articulation, awareness, persuasion, and self-confidence. In order
Course image 1131 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS I(工程雙學士一)[2868]
Calculus is a course provides basic training in mathematics. It involves the differentiation and the integration. These are used to solve problems via geometry and algebra. Calculus has a lot of
applications in many fields, such as science, engineering,
applications in many fields, such as science, engineering,
Course image 1131 GENERAL CHEMISTRY (1) SEMINAR(工程雙學士一)[2866]
General chemistry is a course that involving chemical theory, chemical properties of matters, analyzing methods, and related applications. The content includes atomic theory, quantum theory, atomic structure, electron configuration, chemical bonding, mole
Course image 1131 INNOVATION PROJECT (1)(工程雙學士一)[2867]
ISTM142 introduces you to Innovation. Working together real-life, interdisciplinary project teams and in collaboration with one of our partner enterprises, you will work on semester project to synthesise systems and service design with process innovation
Course image 1131 MULTIVARIATE CALCULUS(工程雙學士二)[2870]
The course meets for approximately 72 hours during a 18-week semester. Successful completion of the course merits 4 semester hours of credit. The schedule outlined below allows time for two midterm exams plus a cumulative final exam, which are the norms f
Course image 1131 GENERAL CHEMISTRY(1)(工程雙學士一)[2865]
General chemistry is a course that involving chemical theory, chemical properties of matters, analyzing methods, and related applications. The content includes atomic theory, quantum theory, atomic structure, electron configuration, chemical bonding, mole
Course image 1131 INTRODUCTION TO MATLAB PROGRAMMING(工程雙學士二)[2872]
The course is a basic introduction to MATLAB, designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming and problem solving methods. MATLAB consists of a programming language used in an interactive computing environment that supports the develop
Course image 1131 WAVE, HEAT&LIGHT(工程雙學士二)[2871]
這是一門以理工領域學生為對象並結合微積分的普通物理課程. 課程內容以光學和熱力學的理論和應用為主。探討的主題包含 波動、幾何光學、波動光學(例如 光干涉、光繞射、光偏極)、熱、材
Course image 1131 MODERN MECHANICS(工程雙學士一)[2863]
This course is a calculus-based introductory level physics course for international or English-oriented students. This course introduces fundamental concepts of physics in the areas of kinematics, forces, momentum, rotation, thermodynamics, and related to
Course image 1131 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS(工程雙學士二)[2873]
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of circuit analysis, including resistors, capacitors, and inductors with DC and AC sources. The contents of this course include: voltage and current sources; passive circ
Course image 1131 班級活動(工程雙學士二)[2869]
Course image 1131 班級活動(工程雙學士一)[2862]